March 24, 2019

Prediction of Tree Volume

Tree volume is a key measurement for businesses involved in the harvesting of trees for lumber.

It is understood to be related to two parameters:

  • Diameter of a tree 4-1/2 feet above the ground (Girth in R data)

  • Merchantable height - the length of the trunk that is usable

The focus of this project is to use a shiny app employing regression analysis to predict volume from user supplied Height and Diameter (called Girth).

Consider How Height and Diameter Are Each Related to Volume

Model Summary

The final prediction equation is:

  • Volume = 69.40 - 5.86(Girth) - 1.30(Height) + 0.13(Girth * Height)
  • R-squared for the model is 0.97

Deploying the Shiny App to Predict Tree Volume

To use the prediction model presented on the previous slide, the user should do the following:

  • Activate the Shiny App
  • Choose a tree diameter (or Girth)
  • Choose a height of the trunk
  • Click on the Submit button

A scatter plot showing the Height/Girth combinations for the sample data is displayed.

The predicted volume will appear in the Main window beneath this plot.